Madison River fish per mile, Houston trade show, snow pack and more

Current Madison River Fish Count Per Mile
How many fish per mile? This is a popular question at trade shows and from anglers while in Montana. I reached out to area biologist to get the most current data on the Madison River, Yellowstone River and Missouri River. Here is the data for the Madison River. The Pine Butte sample section is located only a couple of miles down river of Three Dollar Bridge, and the Varney section is located a couple of miles up river from Ennis, Montana. Stay tuned for the numbers on the Missouri River. I did not receive any data from the biologists on the Yellowstone River.
George R. Brown Convention & Exhibit Center – HALL E
1001 Avenida De Las Americas
Houston Texas, 77010
Show Hours
Wednesday February 28th: 12:00pm – 9:00pm
Thursday March 1st: 12:00pm – 9:00pm
Friday March 2nd: 12:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday March 3rd: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Sunday March 4th: 10:00am – 6:00pm
I am happy to announce that Bayou City Angler in Houston, TX will be hosting me at their fly shop on Wednesday March 7th.
3641 Westheimer Rd
Houston, TX 77027
I will be giving a presentation on “When & Where to Fish The Madison River” from 7pm to 8pm at Bayou City Angler on March 7th.
The Madison River is fish-able year round no matter what the news or social media says about river closures, runoff conditions and wildfires. Climate change is real and we adapt to these new conditions by changing when and where we fish. Because of river closures and environmental concerns, more and more anglers worry about limitations to their fishing vacation in SW Montana. I want to reassure you and help you make the most of your fishing vacation to the Madison River by letting you know when and where to fish it.
The Madison River is a very different river from Yellowstone National Park to the headwaters of the Missouri River. I think of it as 6 different rivers in one, with three lakes thrown in. I will be discussing the best times to fish each sections based on runoff, winter conditions, river closures, some major hatches and crowds. I will also touch on the types of structure to fish as some anglers struggle to read much of the Madison River. I may mention a section of river that fishes best based on a major hatch, but I will not be going into details of hatches.
Snow Pack
What a difference five days has made. Since the last snow pack I reported on 2/14, the Madison Range has jumped from 116% to 125%.
We hope to see you in Houston, Texas!

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TRADESHOW TIMEOUT While we love traveling the country and meeting anglers excited about coming to Montana and Yellowstone to fish, this year, we won’t be